Friday, December 17, 2010

JDM jams

tarmackin' as the sun sets

fireworks? for me?

those two guys standing there were shitting their pants I guarantee it

I got a Porsche 911 poster at the San Jose Auto Show many years ago, it was a beautiful high rig shot that really evoked the feeling of going as fast as you want down your own personal boulevard. I think staring at that poster influenced this one.

EK9 CTR with function written all over it. And bad panel gaps written all over the carbon fiber hood; how realistic.

Apparently this is a zone where there are pedophiles in dresses, so be careful.

movie set

it just had to be overcast when I visited :|

I wanted a CRZ but the stock version is slower than a one armed midget in a rusty I went to Japan to pick up the Spoon version (which really isn't that much faster, I'll be honest). Here I am in the parking lot--stock height and everything.

so of course I lowered it...

some suave gentleman was just standing there, staring with his arms crossed. He didn't seem to object to me being there, but then again he did nothing the entire time. Probably trippin' balls.

Spoon sticker = 5 hp

I wouldn't mind having that gear in the interior of my car.

Night falls quickly at the Red Bull hanger--I hate that.

What if you have to have a Honda, and it has to have a three-letter name, but it has to be fast? What about a Super GT NSX?

GT5 has some funky bokeh man

I love the snorkel scoop

from Austria with love.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


these first two were taken by my friend playing GT5 for the first time...

Lupos on the ring!

hmm...dirt up there

because I was passing in the dirt y0. hey, I had two wheels on the track...

so then I was just sitting there looking at my F40, and there was something boring about it...I just couldn't put my finger on it. So I lowered it 20mm, painted it Laguna Seca Blue, and took it to Kyoto. That fixed everything.

JDM parking lots. I liked that there were other cars there, but I was very disappointed that there was a parking space and you can't put your car in it :(

which depth of field do you like better? Shallow?

or deep?

tourists everywhere!

and when I parked the car this guy would not stop taking pics of it!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

a quickie

Lately I've been a little more addicted to driving as opposed to taking are just a few though. Let's start off with my dirt rally EK9. After this I painted it Championship White and did the full racing mod to it so I'll have pics of that later...

and, unfortunately standard, the Clown Shoe.

no LSD?? Got the ol' one tire fire going on this drift...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

supercar action...

just minding my own business flying down the track

bouncing off the ground and still hardly a dent

cutting a cutter with a wheel in the dirt

delicately slicing around the cone....btw this is one of the few cars that actually sounds halfway decent. Maybe because it doesn't really have much of that low-end oomph that Polyphony seems intent not to capture.

making a pass down Mulsanne...

the AI just plain sucks in this game. The Saleen was taking the inside line, I was taking the outside line, and the 458 insisted on wedging itself in between both of us.

bouncing off the curb (or is it kerb?)

the ol' Guy Yardo



this one has motivational poster written all over it: Motivation or Anticipation or Concentration or Masturbation or some such word placed in a black frame around the image.

I love the finesse needed to drive the karts at the limit.

pass yo ass

pretty decent looking view right?

in closing, here's some Challenger suspension dynamics for you going down the corkscrew